11 diciembre 2019
Warren Chamberlain, a long-term dozer push operator at Poitrel Mine, recently retired from his job due to illness that has impacted the use of his legs permanently.
Warren, affectionately known by his work mates as "Chambo", drove DZ09 when he was on shift.
Since finishing up, Chambo has been missing the comraderie of the Production crew at Poitrel Mine and his beloved DZ09.
So the team asked Chambo back for a special visit which included a trip to the Hastings yard to take a look at DZ09 after a recent rebuild.
Chambo was presented with a model of the dozer, which he gratefully accepted. He even shed a few tears!
Ricky Lee, Superintendent Production at Poitrel Mine, felt very proud of the team.
"It was a special moment for a special member of the Poitrel Production team" said Ricky.