05 noviembre 2019
Technology, culture, country, education and training have been hot topics in Newman over the past few months, with community members and local businesses meeting to discuss and explore what jobs of the future will look like.
These conversations have been part of Newman Futures, a project aimed at building a diverse and inclusive Newman economy.
BHP’s Principal Collective Impact Chris Cottier said innovation and technology are changing the way we live and work.
“BHP is working closely with the Shire of East Pilbara and the Newman community to understand and harness these changes as opportunities,” Chris said.
“Through Newman Futures we want to generate a vision of what the future of work, training and life will look like in Newman.
“We are doing this by hosting a series of engagements and activities to bring together the community, young people, business pioneers and local leaders to map an exciting and sustainable economic future.”
President of the Shire of East Pilbara, Lynne Craigie said, “Although we can’t look into the future, we can do our best to plan and anticipate how technology will change the way we operate and importantly, how we can embrace this change to improve life for people of Newman and the East Pilbara.”
To date, Newman Futures has hosted a number of events around town covering topics such as culture and country, education and training, liveability and wellbeing and building the economy and future of work in Newman.
To find out more, attend the next Newman Futures event and play a part in shaping the future of Newman’s economy, visit www.newmanfutures.com.au
For more information, click here (PDF 5.88MB)