01 agosto 2019
Georgina and Thomas Evans recently ticked the great Australian dream off their bucket list. The couple with their children; 13 year old Maxyne, 12 year old Samson and 7 year old Franky couldn’t wait to move into their new home located 20 minutes from BHP’s Mt Arthur Coal.
Together the couple choose to make their place with BHP’s Operations Services in order to make their Aussie dream a reality and to make their place with a home big enough for their three kids, granny and their rescue dog, Peppa.
According to Georgina it’s been approximately seven months of toing and froing with the banks and had this to share this when quizzed about the underlying reason for the delay …
“A big factor was our employment status … at the start of the application we were contractors and didn’t have secure employment. Disappointingly as the application progressed and after a month contracting; Thomas was told he longer had a position.”
It’s no surprise that the couple went through all the emotions and frustrations of not being able to provide the best for their family.
“As soon as we were able to prove to the bank we had permanent roles with a secure income that really speed things up. Getting a job with Operations Services has definitely helped.”
Georgina was the first to sign up with Operations Services in April and Thomas came on board in May.
“If Thomas didn’t join me in Operations Services, I wouldn’t have been able to buy the house alone. Together we needed to sign up to make our dream a reality …. To be able to make a place for our family and my mum who lives with us for six months and the rest with my brother in Victoria.”
“We can’t wait to move in and not move again … it’s walking distance to the school, all the kids have their own bedroom, there’s a granny flat for mum and together we can’t wait to spend endless summer days in the pool and our big backyard.”
Georgina is delighted to be a part of Operations Services and says it’s enjoyable to come to work … “Everyone really likes each other, are respectful and throughout the shift you have conversations, I’m not afraid to speak up, ask questions and any raise concerns.”
Together Georgina and Thomas have been able to negotiate a 7/7 roster that works; enabling them to spend more time with the family.
BHP Operations Services is hiring and offering permanent operator and maintainer roles across the country. Find out more at www.bhp.com/os