05 agosto 2019
BMC's Poitrel Mine has recently brought a bit more colour to site, painting one of their truck tray's teal - in honour of BHP's own LGBT+ ally network, Jasper.
The idea came from Mick Clutterbuck, a member of the Engineering team, who was so inspired after participating in an LGBTI+ awareness session on site, that he decided to go one step further and make a visible statement to show their support for LGBT+ awareness. .
"After attending a LGBT+ awareness session with my team, I wondered how I could contribute to promoting the inclusion message in my own way," Mick said.
"In my role, I lead the delivery of new mining trucks to site, and I thought it was a great opportunity to show our support and have a bit of fun doing it."
"My Manager and the site were fully supportive of the idea, as were our Jasper leads, and the tray manufacturer, Austin Engineering, were also very keen to help out."
The truck, aptly named 'Jasper', has only been to work now for a few days and already has people asking what it’s all about.
Sonia Winter, General Manager Poitrel Mine, thought it was a great idea and would be a constant reminder to everyone that BHP embraces diversity and respectful behaviours on site.
"We are only allowing our workforce to reach their full potential when they can be truly authentic in who they are when they walk through the gates," Sonia said.
"The Jasper truck has already started so many different conversations onsite and it's now up to Poitrel to make sure the conversation on inclusion and diversity continues!"