14 junio 2018
The Fixed Plant and Infrastructure Maintenance team at Caval Ridge in Queensland, Australia recently achieved a milestone of 500 days Recordable Injury Free.
Caval Ridge General Manager, Dan Iliffe said the milestone was a true testament of the leadership and culture of care within the Fixed Plant and Infrastructure Department.
“The team has devoted themselves to creating a habit of excellence and clearly demonstrated that even when you put the culture of care and safety first you can still be a high performing productive team,” Dan said.
“This shines through even stronger when the day to day crews mobilise 200+ workers at a time for regular shut downs and ensures that Field Leadership is embraced and everyone is looked out for in the same way.” He said.
Ben Sargent, Fixed Plant Supervisor, also called out Field Leadership as one of the main contributing factors for safety success.
“The focus on field leadership, and the commitment to time spent in field has helped provide support to our maintainers to ensure they go home safe to their family and friends every day,” Ben said.
Kaitlyn De Daunton, Fixed Plant and Infrastructure Maintenance Superintendent said it was a great achievement for the team and contract partners.
“I am so proud to be part of a team that truly has a safety culture of care, where everyone looks out for one another.
“The team are routinely exposed to high-risk work environments and continually maintain a proactive safety approach to the way they plan and execute all tasks.” Kaitlyn said.