22 diciembre 2016
The Ayllu Solar project, a partnership with the Centre for Solar Energy Research (SERC-Chile) with the support of the BHP Billiton Foundation, has received the prize for Best Business Practices in the Environment category from the UN Global Compact in Chile. The award was presented by the Minister for the Environment Pablo Badenier to Rodolfo Camacho, Manager for the Environment at BHP Billiton Minerals Americas.
The aim of the Ayllu Solar project is to transfer knowledge and create human capital that permit sustainable development through the use of solar energy in the Arica y Parinacota Region. Over a period of five years, the BHP Billiton Foundation will contribute US$14 million to the project.
BHP Billiton’s Indigenous Peoples Policy was also nominated for the Best Business Practices Prize in the Human Rights category.