21 junio 2016
During Reconciliation Week, a group of 18 Martu from Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa’s (KJ's) Leadership Program visited our office in Melbourne to talk business. The group travelled all the way from the Western Desert in Western Australia.
Expanding circles
The Martu Leadership Group met with a number of government, corporate and legal organisations, including Jetstar, World Vision and Australian football team, the Western Bulldogs. This is their third trip to BHP Billiton’s global headquarters.
The meetings are aimed at sharing good governance practices and supporting the Martu leaders to consider ways that other organisations are run, to gain new skills to govern their own organisations, which oversee communities, schools and significant agreements.
By each learning more about one another, we can all expand our circle of understanding and help build a more harmonious society.
Sharing learnings
David Byers and Jen Dawson from our Corporate Affairs team represented BHP Billiton in the discussion about governance, which covered topics such as our Board’s responsibility, the importance of diversity and how to avoid conflicts of interest.
In return, they learned more about KJ, which was established in 2005 to look after Martu culture and help build sustainable communities. Through KJ, over 250 Martu are employed in permanent and casual positions.
One of the members of the KJ Leadership Program, Clive Samson, is also a BHP Billiton employee at Western Australia Iron Ore (WAIO) is supported by World Vision Australia.
Lasting partnerships
BHP Billiton has a long-term partnership with KJ through WAIO. One of the programs we have supported is the Martu Living Deserts Project, a partnership beyween The Nature Conservancy Australia, BHP Billiton and KJ.
This program assists men and women’s Martu ranger teams work to restore traditional burning practices, control feral animals, rehabilitate water holes and protect threatened species like bilbies and rock wallabies.
Celebrating good governance
In 2005, we established a partnership between BHP Billiton and Reconciliation Australia to promote excellence in governance and leadership of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations through the Indigenous Governance Awards.
BHP Billiton’s support for the Awards is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of good governance for BHP Billiton, both within the organisation and as a principle for our relationships with governments, businesses and community partners around the world.
There has been a record number of entries to the Awards this year, including from KJ. The winners will be announced in November 2016.
Supporting communities
We continue to make a positive contribution to our host communities’ economic and social development. This contribution includes employment opportunities, purchasing local goods and services and developing infrastructure and facilities.
In the 2015 financial year (FY2015), we made US$7.3 billion in payments to governments. We also voluntarily committed US$225 million to community programs that have a long-lasting and positive impact on the quality of life for people across the world.
Good governance is a critical factor in ensuring these contributions equate to a sustainable positive legacy.