27 mayo 2016
At BHP Billiton an inclusive workforce and support for diversity in all its forms is important. Part of this includes the support of Indigenous Peoples not only in Australia, but globally in the communities where operations are located.
Each year BHP Billiton’s sites around Australia celebrate National Reconciliation Week – a time to recognise, celebrate and build on the respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians.
This year to mark the occasion, CEO, Andrew Mackenzie, has called for a greater focus on and investment in Indigenous Australians in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) education and careers.
‘One powerful way that businesses like ours can contribute to a reconciled Australia is to make sure all Australians have the opportunity to share in our country’s future growth and prosperity,’ he said in an opinion piece published in The Australian newspaper.
‘As a scientist by trade, I’m passionate about how important research is to drive our economic growth and therefore how important STEM skills are for business.
‘Providing educational opportunities will support a generation of young Indigenous Australians who are under-represented in the STEM field. We must act now to enable current and future generations of young Indigenous Australians to benefit from this growing demand for STEM skills.’
Andrew highlighted the BHP Billiton Foundation’s A$28.8 million investment in STEM education as one way to help close the gap.
‘We’re really proud to partner with the CSIRO to provide a five year program that focuses on opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in STEM.’
The year 2016 represents an important milestone, with Reconciliation Australia celebrating a number of anniversaries, including:
- 25 years of formal reconciliation in Australia – the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation was established in 1991
- 15 years since Reconciliation Australia was formed
- 10 years of BHP Billiton’s participation in the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) program – the organisation is proud to be a significant supporter of Reconciliation Australia and currently developing their 5th Reconciliation Action Plan
National Reconciliation Week activities
During National Reconciliation Week there are many events planned to highlight the important and respectful relationships BHP Billiton shares with Indigenous peoples including:
- Monday 30 May – Queensland Resources Council Indigenous Awards (BHP Billiton Mitsui Coal)
- Thursday 2 June – Queensland Reconciliation Awards (Townsville)
- National Reconciliation Week – Western Australia Iron Ore (WAIO) Reconciliation Week Banners Project (Perth)
What else is BHP Billiton doing?
Given the majority of operations around the world are located on or near the traditional lands of Indigenous peoples, the organisation has a profound responsibility to recognise and respect their status as First Peoples. This opportunity to build and establish long lasting relationships – it’s consistent with BHP Billiton Our Charter values and the right thing to do.
Here’s a snapshot of some of the national partnerships and activities in Australia:
- Narragunnawali Reconciliation in Schools and Early Learning – since 2013 BHP Billiton has partnered with Reconciliation Australia to support reconciliation in schools and early learning services. The program aims to develop educational environments that foster a higher level of knowledge and pride in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions. Currently there are more than 550 schools participating in this program around Australia.
- CSIRO Indigenous STEM project – the BHP Billiton Foundation has invested A$28.8 million in an education program aimed at increasing participation and achievement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). There are six elements to the program, which caters to the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students as they progress through primary, secondary and tertiary education, and into employment. Have a look at the schools participating in the program around Australia.
- Indigenous Governance Awards Program – since 2002, BHP Billiton has partnered with Reconciliation Australia to recognise and develop Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ central role in strengthening their communities, while also celebrating outstanding examples of Indigenous governance. The next Indigenous Governance Awards will take place in November 2016 in Sydney.
BHP Billiton places great importance on reconciling a shared past in order to build a shared future for all Australians together – an understanding of the wrongs and injustices of the past is absolutely crucial. The commitment to reconciliation remains resolute and BHP Billiton will continue to maximise the contribution made to the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.