25 mayo 2015
BHP Billiton Foundation and the Solar Energy Research Centre (SERC) Chile, today announced an initiative to develop solar energy solutions for remote communities in the Arica and Parinacota region.
The agreement was announced by the President of Universidad de Chile, Ennio Vivaldi, representing the SERC member institutions and the President of BHP Billiton Copper, Daniel Malchuk, at the launch of the company's Sustainability Report for Chile.
The event was also attended by the President of Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Darcy Fuenzalida; Universidad Adolfo Ibañez President, Andrés Benítez and the President of Fundación Chile, Patricio Meller; Universidad de Antofagasta representative, Manuel Arancibia; Universidad de Tarapacá representative, Lorena Cornejo; and the Associate Director of SERC, Luis Morán.
BHP Billiton Foundation is contributing US$13.9 million over five years to support SERC in providing:
- Cost-effective solar energy solutions that are replicable, and scalable, to assist development in remote communities
- Local training initiatives to help residents make effective use of solar technologies
- A framework for future community based solar energy development opportunities
Ennio Vivaldi, Rector of University of Chile said he hopes the project will make Chile an energy provider capable of distributing energy to other parts of South America.
“There is an effort here to create a technological development instance of the highest level,” Mr Vivaldi said.
“I think this project situates us as a radically different society: A society that is the master of its own destiny and that is willing to work together”.
Daniel Malchuk, president of BHP Billiton Copper said the enormous potential for solar energy in the northern areas of Chile is a competitive advantage that the country should take advantage of.
“This initiative is part of our desire to make a contribution beyond the direct and indirect economic benefits generated by our activities," Mr Malchuk said.