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South Walker Creek team MOve for Movember

The team at BHP Mitsui Coal's (BMC) South Walker Creek Mine are MOving for Movember.

Heading the operation's MOvement challenge is Shelley Batten, Specialist Safety, Natalie Markey, Executive Assistant, and Julie Schumacher, Specialist Environment, who were inspired to participate after watching male friends and family members go through life too afraid to talk about men's health. 

Together, they aim to walk/run/ride more than 500km between them in the name of raising awareness for men's health.

Natalie, who has worked to support Movember for the last 10 years, says her father's story has played a big role in her passion for Movember and men's health.

"There is a personal connection for me as my father is part of the generation who won’t speak up because he thinks talking about men’s health is embarrassing.  As a result, I've watched him suffer illness unnecessarily. While I can’t change his health circumstances, I’d like to think that my fundraising efforts will assist him and others if they decide to reach out in the future," Natalie said.

"I really hope that by starting more conversations and through raising awareness, more men will feel empowered enough to open up and receive assistance without hesitation."

Julie says that Movember plays a key part in changing the mindset around being embarrassed to talk about men's health.

"It's important to get the message out there and encourage men to have annual checkups and encourage each other to look after their health," Julie said.

Fellow South Walker Creek team member Shelley, was also inspired to join the Movember Movement by watching friends, colleagues and family affected by men's health issues.

"Prior to mining, I was in the Navy for 23 years and I watched many young men, including the men in my own family, plough through life too proud to speak up. I have learned they suffered in silence, never wanting to worry or cause grief to others - instead shouldering their burdens solo," Shelley said.  

"When I joined South Walker Creek last year, I was really inspired to step up and set a move goal with Nat, after seeing so many of my colleagues joining in and getting behind the cause."

"We really couldn't have done this without the support of our leaders and the great men and women in the South Walker Creek family. I'm so proud of what we’ve achieved and if our work helps just one man, then it's all worth it.”

Feel free to support both Natalie, Julie and Shelley as they have re-signed to complete another 60km before the end of November.

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