11 September 2019
Looking for a reason to choose maths? We’ve got 58,000 of them.
That’s the number of students who’ve participated in the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute’s (AMSI) CHOOSEMATHS project since 2016. They’ve been given an opportunity to think differently about STEM and embrace the idea they can make a huge contribution to Australia’s future prosperity.
Students like Gina Rambold-Dent from Queensland’s Mabel Park State High School who was in Melbourne this week to share her story and help celebrate the success of the project.
For Gina, the project has helped build her confidence and encouraged her to participate in advanced studies.
‘CHOOSEMATHS inspired me to strive regardless of disadvantage in my life,’ she said.
‘As a young woman, the project has empowered me to pursue a STEM career, something I didn’t think was possible, as no-one in my family has done this before,” she said.
CHOOSEMATHS is now celebrating five years of success.
The number of schools participating across the country is 1,300; there are 3,000 STEM teachers who’ve been given the confidence by the Schools Outreach program to transform how the next generation learns; and since 2016, the number of students who have participated in the CHOOSEMATHS Awards has almost doubled to 4,700.
For the next generation of STEM professionals, that’s giving them the foundational skills and confidence they need to make a difference.
CEO Andrew Mackenzie said programs like CHOOSEMATHS work because they dismantle the old paradigms and are critical to build a diverse and future-ready workforce.
‘STEM is much more than coding and lab coats,’ said Andrew. ‘Our world depends on it, the economy depends on it, indeed our future depends on it.’
‘If we can improve STEM outcomes for young people today, in particular females, we can meet the demand for STEM professionals tomorrow.’
CHOOSEMATHS is supported by the BHP Foundation’s Australia Country Program. It’s a powerful example of the Foundation’s success in partnering to deliver real and lasting national impact in and beyond the classroom.
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