13 septiembre 2019
BHP has a leading role in a program aimed at improving fleet safety and sustainability. The InternationaI Council on Mining and Minerals’ (ICMM’s) Innovation for Cleaner Safer Vehicles (ICSV) program aims to:
- introduce greenhouse gas emission-free surface mining vehicles by 2040;
- minimise the operational impact of diesel exhaust by 2025; and
- make collision-avoidance technology available to mining companies by 2025.
It brings together 27 of the world’s leading mining companies including BHP and some of the best-known truck and mining equipment suppliers to accelerate innovation and develop a new generation of mine vehicle.
It is the first ICMM program to actively involve OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) in scoping, managing and delivering the work essential to the success of the program.
The initiative has CEO-level support among all participants and has the potential to benefit the entire mining sector.
Having a safe, healthy and sustainable mining fleet is critical to BHP. We believe the ICSV program will help our industry evolve, will keep people safe and enable us to meet the expectations of current and future employees, communities, customers and shareholders.
BHP CEO Andrew Mackenzie has provided strong leadership and support for the program within BHP and as Chair of the CEO Advisory Council for this initiative. In March 2019, representatives from participating companies met for the first time in London and established a path forward for the collaboration to accelerate the program’s delivery.